be the Glory!
One pet at a time - 100% guaranteed

What We Do
We are the only pet cremation service that guarantees one (1) pet cremated at a time as we know of in the surrounding Counties, of Clearfield Pa.
Yes we heard that others say they do, but we have seen it first hand; THEY DONT!!
We keep strict records/proof that your pet is the only pet being cremated at a time, We guarantee it 100%!
Our Story
It all started in October 2016...We are officially open as of January 2021

If customers would like to pay for services using a Credit card thru our website, just click the donate button and put in the amount that is owed.
There will be a credit card fee, but you can pay that when you pick up your pets ashes.
When creating a pay button, Wix doesn't have the option of setting different prices when paying for services, only the donate button offers that detail.
So in reality, you are NOT donating but are paying the price you were given when you filled out the paperwork for your pets cremation needs.
I appreciate your patience. Thank you!

Opening Hours!
We are open 24/7/365 days a year BUT...
You still need to make an appointment. If your pet passes in the middle of the night and you need us to
pick it up - there is a
fee for this service.
If you want to bring your
pet over right away, I will
leave the light on for you.
just text or call me.
​(PS. if and when you call and you
do not hear from me with
15-20 mins, please text me).
my phone is attached at my
hip and sometimes my
phone does not let me
know someone called me
let alone left me a voice mail.