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 Pictures of custom Pet Urns - 2025

2025 IS here!! WOW! I can NOT believe that 2024 is gone already!!!

How time flies when you are having fun! --- Alot of changes (GOOD ones to boot!)

Anyways, please bare with me as we play catch up on website and various other little odds and ends that DO NOT affect us receiving, cremating or me decorating your pets ash containers.

Receiving deceased pets is SAD, but making the ash containers is the FUN part! You want to know why? Its because I
get to know your pet thru the messages and pictures they send me to decorate the ash container you picked out for
them. I have countless confirmations of pet owners asking me how did I know this or that about them (the pet parent) 
or their pet based on what and how I decorated their pets ash container Below are the pets that customers chose to
havea custom ash container (Urn) made by Tracie.

To see the full picture, click on the picture and it will open. 
     Side note: There is a photo below that says "STOCK Photos"...As pets come in, I
will replace the"stock - 2025 picture" with the one (1) of
a kind Pet Ash boxes/containers (aka: Pet Urns). Make sure you REFRESH the pages, as I update almost everyday.

      PS. I love love making these ash containers (Pet Urns)! Brings me SO MUCH JOY & HAPPINESS! 
Our customers tell me they love them too. I am
"FUR" - ever grateful for our customers. 
Many Blessings to all of you! Thank you!

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